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Generate a Tyro Health Online API key

How to integrate with other systems with an API key

Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over a year ago

Your Tyro Health Online API key is a unique code that allows you to link your Tyro Health Online information to other third-party applications and software partners.

Keep APIs Secure. Any application with access to your API key will have access to all of the information in that account. Keep your API keys as secure as your password and only provide them to systems you trust. Delete API keys when no longer required and if you're changing software providers, delete any old API credentials and generate new ones for your new system integration.

A Business Admin user must generate the API key, otherwise the key won't contain all the information for your business. The steps to generate an API key from Tyro Health Online are as follows:

  1. Navigate to ‘Business settings’ from the sidebar and select the ‘API keys’ tab,

  2. Click 'generate a new key', then

  3. Copy the API key and paste into the other software platform.

If you have existing integrations, you may see multiple API keys. If you want to generate a new API key, this will make a new, single API key and replace the existing keys.

Generating a new API key will deactivate any existing keys, so the link between any applications, such as your practice management system using the current API key will break and you will need to copy the new API key into any existing integrations.

If you have any questions, click on the pink chat bubble on our website or email our Customer Support team.

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