Our Medicare Online integration for DVA claiming supports both out-patient and in-patient services. For other in-patient claiming, check out our ECLIPSE integration.
Submitting a DVA claim for in-patient services, follows the same steps for raising an invoice for out-patient DVA services, however, there are some important differences:
After entering the location and provider details, select the 'show options' button.
For the 'treatment location', select "hospital".
Under 'in hospital services', select "yes".
Include the hospital's 'Facility ID'.
The Facility ID is also known as a 'Commonwealth Hospital Facility Provider Number' and resembles your provider number but is specific to a hospital rather than a provider. If you do not know the Facility ID, the hospital will be able to provide it to you or you may search the list of Declared Hospitals at: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/list-of-declared-hospitals?language=en
If you have any questions, click on the pink chat bubble on our website or email our Customer Support team.