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Provider number does not match funder

How to resolve an error where the provider number does not match funder

Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over a year ago

When submitting claims using an integrated PMS, you may see an error that says "The provider number selected is not set up for this specific funder in Tyro Health Online - provider number does not match funder"

The "provider number does not match funder" error occurs when the provider number included in the claim submission has not been onboarded in Tyro Health Online for that specific funder at the relevant location.

The staff member may already exist in Tyro Health Online (is being used for claim submissions with other funders), but the relevant provider number must be added to all claiming options. For example, a provider number may be set-up for Medicare Online claiming and visible under the Medicare settings.

How to resolve

For this provider number to also be used to claim for another funder, such as private health insurance, then the provider number will need to be added (under settings) for the other funder claiming option.

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