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Raise invoices online

How to create invoices to take payment and give to patients to us claim and take payment

Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over 5 months ago

What is 'create invoice'?

This functionality generates an invoice that your patient can use to claim benefits from their insurer directly. It also enables you to process payments fully out of pocket using Tyro Health Online Payments and save draft invoices while waiting for provider numbers or online claiming agreements to be processed.

How to raise an invoice

  1. Navigate to the 'get paid' page from the side bar and select the 'create invoice' tile.

  2. Enter invoice details, including the date of service and reference.

  3. Enter patient details, either by searching for an existing patient or adding a new one.

  4. Select the provider's details, including the location and insurer.

  5. Select or type in your item codes, including the fee amount.

  6. Next, either save the invoice as a draft or continue to payment.

By continuing to payment, you will be prompted to select a payment method to process the amount outstanding - find out more about Tyro Health Online Payments.

Once you have selected the location and provider, you can save the invoice as draft. To then submit draft invoices, navigate to the 'invoices' page using the side bar, select the 'draft' tab, then choose the invoices to submit for payment and/or completion.

How to send the invoice to your patient

Once payment has been processed, the completed invoice will be displayed - you can return to this by navigating to the 'invoices' page from the sidebar. Then, scroll down below the service items to the section labelled "payments" and there's a "SEND RECEIPT" - click this and enter the patient's email address.

If you have any questions, click on the pink chat bubble on our website or email our Customer Support team.

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