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Transaction statement descriptions for patients

A guide to how Tyro Health Online Payments are shown on statements

Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over a week ago

Tyro Health Online Payments will show up in a patients transaction summary (i.e., bank statement, credit card statement, online statement, or online transaction summaries) with the following description convention:

  • "MPASS *", followed by

  • The first 14 characters of the location name selected in Tyro Health Online.

The description can only contain letters, digits, dashes, periods, and spaces. Tyro Health Online will remove any apostrophes and replace any other character with a space.

For example, a transaction is processed from "Pete's Health" with be displayed as:


Please note, we intentionally add "MPASS" as this identifies Tyro Health Online, but your patients may not know what Tyro Health Online is.

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