Card issue date
Applies to Medibank
For physical membership card holders, the card issue date can be found on the front in the bottom right-hand corner.
If not on your physical membership card, either refer to your digital membership card (iOS users only), or check your policy start date (which is emailed to you at sign up) because the card issue date is typically 1 or 2 days after your policy start date.
For digital membership cards on Android phones, there's no card issue date, so please message the Medibank team.
Card issue number
Applies to Doctors' Health Fund
For new membership cards, the card issue date is located on the back, in the top right hand corner - the last three digits.
For older membership cards, the card issue date is located on the back, in the bottom left hand corner.
If you have any questions, click on the pink chat bubble on our website or email our Customer Support team.