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Adding staff members

How to add staff members and invite accounts

Lawrence avatar
Written by Lawrence
Updated over 4 months ago

Getting started

When signing up to Tyro Health Online, the email address and password entered creates an account. This new account is also associated with the first staff member of the business using the first and last name entered at sign up. This staff member is automatically granted the business admin role.

From the staff page, when you click on an individual staff member, you're navigated to the 'staff details' screen for that individual staff member - this is a central place to view all registration and location information for a staff member.

How to add a staff member

  • Select the 'staff' page from the (left) sidebar which displays the list of staff already added to the business in Tyro Health Online;

  • Click the 'add a staff member' button towards the top right of the screen; and

  • Enter the staff details, which may include an email address for login (see below).

You can choose to add a provider registration(s) or provider number(s) now or click 'save' and add them afterwards.

Adding an account for a staff member

If you enter an email address, this will invite them to the business and create them account with the lowest level of permission by default. It’s not mandatory to enter an email address when adding a staff member because it may not be necessary for a provider to also have a login to the business in Tyro Health Online. If a staff member is added without login details (email address), an account can be created at any time afterwards from the staff member’s details in Tyro Health Online.

Maintaining separate accounts for Tyro Health is an essential security measure to ensure the security and privacy of your business data. By assigning individual accounts to each staff member, you enhance control and oversight, protecting sensitive information. For more information, please refer to our secure your Tyro Health account article.

Provider registration

The provider registration details are optional when initially adding a new staff member, but they may be required for providers depending on their profession and the funder (for claiming).

When setting up claiming for a funder in Tyro Health Online (and when adding a provider via settings), additional provider registration details may be required. Once entered, the registration information can be viewed here (staff details). For example, a SIRA number is required for icare claiming, and is entered when adding a provider for icare in Tyro Health Online - this number can be viewed either in the icare settings or the staff details.

Provider number

To add provider numbers and claim for specific funders, select "Add a provider number" and select which associated organisation you're adding this provider number for. 

"Associated Organisation" refers to which funder the provider number will be used for and this only displays funders that have been set-up in Tyro Health Online. Selecting a funder will navigate you to the 'add provider' screen for that funder and once complete, you'll be returned to the staff details screen.

If you have any questions, click on the pink chat bubble on our website or email our Customer Support team.

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