Guides on Medicare claims via Tyro Health Online
Create a bulk bill claim for Medicare
Creating Medicare patient claims
Medicare and DVA claim errors and return codes explained
Aftercare services for Medicare
Using the PDVC scheme
Assisted card payment for a Medicare payment
Submitting a Medicare claim after the payment
Medicare claiming for patients with one name
What does the status on my Medicare claim mean?
How to add referral details to a Medicare claim
What to do when your Medicare claims are "Outstanding"
Adding claimant details
Medicare claiming with the same item code
Reciprocal Health Care Agreements for overseas visitors
Submit a hospital claim using Medicare Online
For Medicare Bulk Bills, how do you obtain lodgement consent?
Batch upload Medicare claims
Why do I see a response code 160 - Maximum number of services for Medicare / DVA when fewer than maximum were claimed?
How do I process a Medicare Safety Net (OMSN or EMSN) claim?